DI deionisation resin - what is it?

A deionisation resin is a special type of ion exchange resin used in water deionisation processes, where dissolved ions such as cations (e.g. calcium, magnesium) and anions (e.g. chlorides, sulphates) are removed from the water. This process is designed to produce water with very low electrical conductivity, which is important in many industrial, laboratory and process applications.

What is deionisation resin used for?

Deionisation resin is a key component of water treatment systems, ensuring water quality for specific applications such as glass washing

DI deionisation resin - use 

  • For the production of pure water without salt, minerals: washing of glazing, photovoltaic panels, in car washes, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical industry: for the production of high-purity water.
  • Food industry: for the treatment of water used in beverage production.
  • Laboratories: in processes requiring ultra-pure water.
  • Power generation: for the treatment of water used in boilers and turbines.

The quality of the deionisation resin is of great importance. Over time, the deionisation resin can lose its effectiveness, leading to poor water quality. It is important to monitor the resin and replace it regularly to ensure optimal performance. One of the best deionisation resins available on the market is from Spectrum, which you will find in our shop.

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